Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 1

This being my first attempt at journaling my life, I hope I don't make to much of a mess of it.
First off, I LOVED the 80's!!! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED them! they were so good for my self esteem, I was popular, slimmer, prettier, more naive... and the music was terrific!
Now, present day, I am a shadow of my former self. I lack self confidence, I have gained more than 100 lbs, definitely don't feel pretty, and have discovered in incredible cynicism, I trust no one.
Now, this stops yesterday ( literally). I took my 4 yr old colt out for a walk down the trail, ( he is a handful). walked a mile. Then, it felt so good I took his pop out for a mile long walk also. This blog is a chronicle of my days exercising and the thoughts I have while doing so.
Today, the weather is in the 50's , it is Sunday, and I have done nothing but, chores this morning outside. I am out to walk now. Later.

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